Friday, April 10, 2015


Hello Kitty

Super Cupcakes!!!


Baptism Cupcakes

A few weeks ago my dear friend sent me a picture of a cupcake dress and asked if I could make it for her eight-year-old daughters baptism. Of course I was really excited, but also obsessed with making the whole thing edible. Soooo, I learned about isomalt. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ruffles and Roses

Who doesn't love frilly ruffles? 

Blue velvet with cream cheese frosting...

And now to the roses! 

Tiffany Blue! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Baby Boys and Bowties

I found a cake on Pinterest. It was oh so beautiful! I pinned it for future use, but apparently the future is now! I made this little lovely for a bow tie/mustache baby shower! It was so so much fun! My 2 littlest angels ATE my first batch of fondant awesomeness! (I found half the mustache in the garbage later. They ate EVERYTHING else!) So this is actually my second batch! 

Ta da! 

With the decorations... (also inspired by Pinterest).
As a side note I will NEVER use Satin Ice fondant again! It was so hard to work with! When I first opened the container I sighed with contentment! It was so soft! I imagined it working as beautifully as it felt, but I was oh so wrong!! I've never had so much trouble covering a cake! What a nightmare! Now go back up and look at the close up of the cake. You'll see little cracks and wrinkles. Did you see it? Blech! Drives me crazy, but it was too late to go to the store and get some Wilton. Oh well! The search for the perfect fondant will continue. Maybe I'll use the rest of my Satin Ice for making bunnies. Do you want to make this cake? Check out this tutorial from Miso Bakes!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chocolate Lace Wrapped Cake

A work in progress...

My first attempt! Come back soon for my second try. 
I learned so much! 

Wanna learn how to make your own? Check out this amazing video by Julia Usher. I admit I didn't plan out my pattern like Julia did. I will DEFINITELY do that next time! This was kind of a rush job, but I'm so glad I tried it!